Archive for the 'Whole Body Health' Category
Chiropractors most commonly treat musculoskeletal system (MSK)
injuries and conditions such as sprains and strains arising from slips
and falls, auto accidents, sports injuries, or simply over doing it. In
fact, in today’s world, the use of manipulation in the management of
biomechanical disorders of the spine is regarded as a “mainstream”
treatment. A review [..]
It is well established that the nervous system has three divisions. The “central nervous system” is made up by the brain and spinal cord. The “peripheral nervous system”
includes the nerve roots and peripheral nerves that run from the spine
to the arms and legs. The ability to move (walk, run, throw, lift, etc.)
relies [..]
Chiropractic techniques are not limited to any particular group.
Doctors of chiropractic see patients of all ages, sizes, genders,
ethnicities, and so on. So, is the care of children “different” than chiropractic care applied to adults? If so, how?There
are studies that have reviewed the treatment of musculoskeletal (MSK)
conditions (like low back pain), non-MSK [..]
If the greatest player in the history of the National Football League said, "Chiropractic was the key to keeping me in the game," do you think chiropractic care could help you with your back pain and other aches and pains?
Well, that's exactly what happened.
Jerry Rice, who on November 4, 2010 was named the [..]
"Ever since I was in my early teens, I've had muscle and joint problems that would come and go but never put me down where I couldn't function. I was very active and played basketball, tennis, and ran in track but over the last 10 years I've avoided a lot of activity due to my [..]
We cannot thank our family, friends, patients, and allied healthcare providers enough for referring patients to our practice.
There is no other form of advertising that attracts the quality of patients as those our patients refer to us.
So, here's some information that may help you tell others about us:
Chiropractic has been around since [..]
Many people seem surprised to find out that the chiropractic education process is so extensive.
We usually reply, "...whether you're planning to become a chiropractor, medical doctor, or dentist, it takes four years of college followed by and additional 4-5 years of additional education (med school, dental school, chiropractic college) simply because there is that [..]
Chiropractic was founded in 1895 after a spinal adjustment to the upper region of the spine restored a man's hearing.
Since then, our profession has been conducting research to help determine why spinal manipulation or adjustments work so well.
Many conditions have been studied, as well as the physiological responses to the adjustment including changes [..]
The mission of chiropractic is to help sick people get well, as well as to help healthy people function better in the absence of drugs or surgery.
When people are asked, "...what do chiropractors do?" the frequent response is, "...they crack your neck and/or back."
Chiropractic spinal manipulation (frequently called an adjustment) often produces an [..]
Every movement, smell, taste, touch, sound, thought, and dream has its origin in the nervous system.
Every function of your body, both voluntarily and involuntarily is controlled, at least in part, by your nervous system.
To better understand how the nervous system works, it is necessary to discuss what makes up the nervous system.
The [..]