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Archive for the 'Whole Body Health' Category

Cancer Causes & Prevention Strategies

We’ve previously established that chiropractic (and probably most forms of non-invasive treatment approaches) cannot “cure” cancer. However, we have found that some cancer treatment centers utilize chiropractic care as part of the treatment process. But what about cancer prevention? Is that possible?Up front, we need to acknowledge that there is no one cause of cancer. [..]

Can Chiropractic Be of Help to Cancer Patients?

The beneficial effects of chiropractic care on the whole body have been reported and previously discussed in prior articles. However, we have not looked at whether chiropractic care can benefit the cancer patient and if so, how?It has been estimated that by 2030, 12 million deaths will result from cancer with 30% having been preventable. [..]

Chiropractic & Bowel/Bladder Function

The benefits of chiropractic are well known when it comes to the management of lower back pain arising from various low back conditions. But, looking beyond the localized low back benefits of spinal manipulation, the positive effects on bowel and bladder function are less well known. The nerves that exit the spine in the low [..]

Chiropractic and Blood Pressure

The chiropractic management of musculoskeletal complaints such as low back pain, neck pain, headaches, and the like is well established in peer reviewed literature and recommended care guidelines throughout the world. Put simply, chiropractic care WORKS consistently well for many problems involving the neuromusculoskeletal system. What about its effects on cardiovascular health and in particular, [..]

Chiropractic and the “Common Cold”

Chiropractic has been utilized as a treatment for many ailments, but primarily those related to musculoskeletal (MSK) problems, especially back and neck pain. However, there are many people who seek chiropractic services for ailments other than MSK conditions such as colds, flus, or just to “feel better.” Similarly, as chiropractors, we have observed in our [..]

Regular Chiropractic Care and Quality of Life

WebMD says, “chiropractic care is considered a safe, effective treatment for acute low back pain, neck pain, headaches, osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia.” A large literature review from the UK published in 2010 (The Bronfort Report) reported “moderate to high-quality evidence” for manual therapy for the following conditions: acute low back pain, chronic low back pain (>3 [..]

Can Chiropractic Help Senior Citizens?

Chiropractors are not just interested in getting rid of pain; more importantly, they are interested in preventing future episodes. This model has long been “a standard” in chiropractic and continues to be so today. Why is this so important? Approximately 91% of older adults have at least one chronic condition, and 73% have at least [..]

Chiropractic and Chest Pain (Angina Pectoris)

The term “angina pectoris” refers to chest pain. Angina is classified into three groups: 1. Stable angina (or, “effort angina”); 2. Unstable angina (“crescendo angina”); and 3. Microvascular angina (“syndrome X angina”). The 3rd type is caused by narrowing of the tiny blood vessles supplying the heart muscle and the symptoms vary, making it less [..]

Maximum Health and Chiropractic

Traditionally, chiropractic care is most commonly rendered for a finite amount of time, usually until the symptoms that initially drove the patient to seek out care resolve. However, some patients find that periodic chiropractic treatments make them feel better and improve their sense of well-being. Three basic methods of chiropractic care exist: 1) acute care, [..]